Monday, February 17, 2020

An Emergent Method of Ground Theory for Conducting Social Research Essay - 9

An Emergent Method of Ground Theory for Conducting Social Research - Essay Example Grounded Theory or GT is a form of qualitative research which is more like a descriptive methodology rather than what the advocates of quantitative research described as the more accurate and scientific method of research using numbers as precise, systematic indicators. Grounded Theory as a qualitative form of research has many benefits and the results obtained in using GT can likewise be considered as equally valid or legitimate just like quantitative methods. Grounded Theory offers flexibility not possible with numbers alone (Charmaz, 2000, p. 510). Charmaz had posited the idea that Grounded Theory is superior when used or utilized in the conduct of social science research that basically involves people. Many areas of academic disciplines for inquiry include economics, politics, demography, sociology, history, law, and linguistics. Social science studies human behaviors, the individuals in a society, and relationships of these individuals among themselves and to the larger society. As such, it is considered that the use of numbers alone (qualitative research methodology) is not sufficient to describe people. Grounded Theory as an emergent method for conducting social research inquiries offers benefits not available with quantitative research alone. GT offers the richness of nuances that are observed when watching people, how they behave, and what their likely actions will be in future situations or events. GT as an emergent method begins with the empirical world and builds up an understanding of it as events unfold and knowledge accrues or accumulates through inductive reasoning (Charmaz, 2008, p. 155). The use of GT, therefore, affords the advantages of flexibility for social scientists to study their research problems in unanticipated ways and newer directions than would otherwise be possible if they used quantitative research methodology which is quite narrow and limited as to its research objectives set out at the very beginning of a research study. In other words, let their research data lead them to wherever it might lead them to.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Counselling psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Counselling psychology - Essay Example Person centred therapy is closer to being a pure form of therapy as compared to psychodynamic therapy. The credit for developing this approach is given to the noted psychologist, Carl Rogers, who came from the humanist tradition. For the most part, this approach to therapy can be considered counselling since the idea in this approach is for the therapist to create a personalised relationship with the individual that is receiving therapy. Rogers () himself has suggested that, â€Å"The more the therapist is himself or herself in the relationship, putting up no professional front or personal facade, the greater is the likelihood that the client will change and grow in a constructive manner (Rogers, 1980, Pg. 115)†. In fact, Carl Rogers wanted the therapy sessions to be a journey of discovery for both the therapist and the patient in which they come to a realisation where patients can help themselves come to terms with their psychological problems. With this approach, the patient is pointed towards the idea of personal growth that connects itself with the future and the present situation of the patient rather than events that happened in the past. Therapy is given through verbal communications and is non-directive since the patient is allowed to express feelings and emotions while the therapist helps him/her in understanding why these emotions or feelings are coming through (Rogers, 1980). Person centred therapy has a two pronged approach to managing psychological issues. The first is to improve the patient’s level of self-esteem through therapy and positive communication while the second is to create a greater openness to new experiences. This form of therapy also seeks to create related changes such as a deeper connection between the patients idealized self and actual self. It also seeks to create an improved understanding of the self-image, lowered levels of defensive behaviour and to improve the quality of the relationships the client has with others